we are located in the beautiful historic
                                                            downtown section of Miamisburg, Ohio


                                                               The family of St. Jacob is dedicated in
                                                                  love to sharing the gospel of Christ
                                                                              with our neighbors!!!




This coming Sunday is the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost.  The gospel for this worship service on October 20th is Mark 10:35-45 and Pastor Hout’s sermon theme will be “How To Be Great.”  Join us for Sunday worship services at 10:30 (led by the pipe organ) and noon (led by guitar).  We also have Sunday School at 9am each week.  Please join us for some great learning about our faith.  We are off to a good start after a fun Rally Day.

The Prayers of the Church  We have a lot of experience with praying and that is good because there are some areas that really need our prayers like Springfield, Ohio, Asheville, North Carolina and Tampa, Florida.  Don Kash reports that prayers have been answered with his daughter as Sharon Hipsher is now cancer free!!!  We continue to pray for Lois Masters, Carl Schroeder, Jeff Spencer, Darleen Payne, Hank Dodson, Wyatt Dahlinghaus, Katie Schultz and family, Jean Hicks and Frankie Rost.  Our military men are also in our prayers : Zac Boyd, Alex Eanes, Ben Sweeney and Steven Greenlee.  We don’t want to forget about peace.  Dear God, may there be peace on earth!!!

The Prayer of the Day - for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost   Sovereign God, you turn your greatness into goodness for all the peoples on earth.  Shape us into willing servants of your kingdom, and make us desire always and only your will, through Jesus  Christ, our Savior and Lord.  Amen.

Congregational Hayride was gr8  We had great weather.  We had great attendance.  We had a great location.  We had a great campfire.  We had great food.  We had a great hayride.  Seems like it was a great night all around.

Whirled Top Festival This event has been over for two months but people are still talking about it.  Many thanks to the many who joined in for all the activity in late August.  It was hard to believe all the things people were doing.  The U.S. Nationals were also here.  It was a special day with people coming from all over the place including California, Georgia, Texas, Wisconsin and even Uruguay.  How nice it was to have a number of them stay for worship on Sunday!!!

Go Triangles  How fun it was to remember the birthday of George “Hobby” Kinderdine who played for the Dayton Triangles and kicked the first extra point in the NFL.  Two of his old jerseys were even with us for worship services.  The Historical Society had a wonderful exhibit recently and the Dayton Daily News printed a nice article about Hobby which included some talk about good old St. Jacob!!!

Some scripture from the gospel for Sunday - Mark 10:43   Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant.


Love is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity. galore in 2024.



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