PASTOR’S WEEKLY MESSAGE This coming Sunday is the 25th Sunday after Pentecost. Looks like we did not get our webpage updated last week. Sorry about that!!! The gospel for this worship service on November 10h is Mark 12:38-44 and Pastor Hout’s sermon theme will be “Beware.” Join us for Sunday worship services at 10:30 (led by the pipe organ) and noon (led by guitar). We also have Sunday School at 9am each week. You are invited to join us as we learn about ourselves and God. The Prayers of the Church We pray for many people. We pray for the family and friends of Loren Willson and Ron Holp. Pastor Hout is involved with both of their funerals. We pray for peace during this presidential election process. We also pray for Hank Dodson, Darleen Payne, Lois Masters, Jean Hicks, Carl Schroeder, Jeff Spencer, Wyatt Dahlinghaus, Katie Schultz and family and Frankie Rost. We celebrate with Shannon Quinn Thompson and Doug upon the birth of their new daughter (she will be greeted by three brothers). We also celebrate with Grace Steingass Fugett and Derek. They also have a new girl. We do not want to forget about our military men and so we pray for Ben Sweeney, Steven Greenlee, Zac Boyd and Alex Eanes. Peace in the world is something we also continue to keep in our prayers. Prayer of the Day-25th Sunday after Pentecost O God, you show forth your almighty power chiefly by reaching out to us in mercy. Grant us the fullness of your grace, strengthen our trust in your promises, and bring all the world to share in the treasures that come through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. Congregational Hayride was gr8 We had great weather. We had great attendance. We had a great location. We had a great campfire. We had great food. We had a great hayride. Seems like it was a great night all around. November 17th is Game Night This will be our next big fellowship event. Come join our gang as we enjoy being together with some fun activities and some yummy food. Go Triangles How fun it was to remember the birthday of George “Hobby” Kinderdine who played for the Dayton Triangles and kicked the first extra point in the NFL. Two of his old jerseys were even with us for worship services. The Historical Society had a wonderful exhibit recently and the Dayton Daily News printed a nice article about Hobby which included some talk about good old St. Jacob!!! Some scripture from the gospel for Sunday - Mark 12:44 “For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” Love is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity. So.......love galore in 2024.